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Act Global moves to new US production plant

August 6, 2015  - By


Act Global has moved its U.S. manufacturing headquarters into a new 210,000-square-foot facility in Calhoun, Ga.

“We are reinvesting our success back into the company,” says John Baize, co-owner of Act Global. “We are committed to servicing our customers, growing our business and constantly innovating to serve the market in new and better ways.”

The facility will house a research and development laboratory, state-of-the-art equipment and additional production volume and storage, according to the company. Due to additional office space and large conference areas, plant tours and customer events will be available.

“We have exciting plans underway for the new building and for the direction of Act Global,” says Plant Manager Steve Oswalt.

Oswalt, an Act Global employee for more than nine years, managed the transition of equipment, operations and personnel to the new space.

The company is now operating fully out of the new space, with artificial turf production for sports (Xtreme Turf), landscape (Xtreme Lawn), aviation (AvTurf) and landfill (LiteEarth). Act Global will still maintain its additional manufacturing in Netherlands and Asia to serve its customer base in more than 70 countries.

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