STMA launches environmental facility certification program

August 18, 2016

final-stma-certified-facility-logo-01_160x179The Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) launched its Environmental Facility Certification Program.

The program was developed to help document the environmental stewardship of STMA members and is awarded to the facility. The program involves an electronic assessment, which can be taken from any computer or smart device.

After completion of the assessment, STMA will score it. Eighty percent compliance on each of the 10 sections is necessary to pass.

The next step is to engage an attester who can do a walk-through of the facility with you to validate your environmental practices. STMA will provide an electronic assessment form to the attester. If the attester verifies your practices, the facility will be designated an STMA Certified Facility for Environmentally Responsible Management. You can choose recognition for your facility through a plaque or a banner.

There is no cost to complete the assessment, but a $100 fee will be charged once your facility achieves certification, which includes the recognition materials.

If you do not achieve the 80 percent passing score, you have one year to re-assess the sections that you did not pass. Certification is valid for three years; after that the process will need to be repeated. If a sports turf manager leaves a facility, the facility still maintains its certification until the end of the three-year period.

To learn more, click here.

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