TAG: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Senators ask Obama to initiate federal study of crumb rubber

January 22, 2016By
Photo: iStock / Bigandt_Photography

Two Democrats on the Senate Commerce Committee asked President Barack Obama on Jan 21. to initiate a study regarding the potential health risk posed by artificial turf athletic fields and playgrounds made of crumb rubber, according to a news release from the Commerce Committee. In a letter to the president, Florida Sen. Bill Nelson and Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal say the possible correlation between crumb... read more

EPA names Toro 2015 WaterSense Manufacturer Partner of the Year

October 15, 2015By

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency honored The Toro Company with the 2015 Manufacturer Partner of the Year award at the WaterSmart Innovations conference on Oct. 8 in Las Vegas. Toro, the first-ever large irrigation product manufacturer to receive the award, according to a news release from the company, was selected for its development of weather-based controllers – many of which are... read more

EPA wants tougher restricted use pesticide standards

August 12, 2015By

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing stronger standards for pesticide applicators who apply restricted use pesticides. The agency will accept public comments on the proposed rule for 90 days at regulations.gov under docket number EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0183 once the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register. The EPA said the goal is to reduce the likelihood of harm from... read more

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California senator proposes bill to stop funding synthetic fields

April 13, 2015By

Reports say California Sen. Jerry Hill has proposed a bill that would stop funding for synthetic fields being built in schools, parks, stadiums and other recreational places until further studies determine whether they are safe. It also would require California schools to get at least one bid from companies that do not use waste tires in its synthetic turf system.... read more

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USA Today: Feds continue to promote artificial turf

March 16, 2015By

Artificial turf fields comprised with crumb rubber have recently raised health concerns for players, including the risk of injury, skin infection, lead exposure and cancer. Two federal agencies — The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — continue to promote athletic turf as safe, according to a USA Today analysis. A CPSC news release states “young children are not at risk from... read more

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