Learn why fertilizer prices are on the rise

Industry experts explain what caused the fertilizer price increase and share a few ways lawn care can offset the rising costs. read more
Industry experts explain what caused the fertilizer price increase and share a few ways lawn care can offset the rising costs. read more
Sipcam Agro USA has released its newest innovation: Karma fungicide. The systemic fungicide combats many Pythium diseases, including damping-off, cottony blight, grease spot and root rot. “As turf and lawn managers know, Pythium diseases can be devastating even for the most well-maintained turf grass,” said Todd Mason, director of national sales and development for the turf and ornamental division at Sipcam. “Pythium reduces the turf’s ability to absorb water... read more
The Turf and Ornamentals business of Bayer within the company’s Crop Science division, has announced that Signature XTRA Stressgard fungicide is now registered and available for use on turf in California and Hawaii. The systemic fungicide enhances plant health, suppresses bacterial wilt and controls Pythium, anthracnose and summer decline pathogens. “We are thrilled that Signature Xtra Stressgard is now available... read more
Nufarm announced that Pinpoint fungicide is now registered in New York and offers an excellent rotation option for dollar spot control. Pinpoint works well in rotation with SDHI fungicides to prevent the onset of any SDHI-resistant dollar spot. “Pinpoint provides powerful dollar spot control, excellent turf tolerance and enhances the stewardship of disease management programs,” said Jason Fausey, director of technical... read more