Arysta receives Disarm G Granular fungicide label release
Arysta LifeScience North America turf and ornamental products has received federal label registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for Disarm G granular formulation strobilurin fungicide. Disarm G is labeled for control of brown patch, dollar spot, gray leaf spot, pythium, red thread, zoysia patch and all major patch, spot and snow mold diseases on lawn, golf, and sports turf, as well as sod production. Disarm G is the only strobilurin labeled for control of light-to-moderate dollar spot infestations.
According to Arysta LifeScience, Disarm G will be positioned in the turf market as an affordable granular strobilurin formulation option to fit lawn turf application requirements at an economical cost per 1,000 sq. ft., as well as golf courses where superintendents prefer granular fungicides.
“Disarm G is being offered at a realistic cost for lawn turf use, to provide lawn care applicators the same outstanding strobilurin disease control used on golf courses, at a reasonable cost for their lawn care accounts”, said Michael Maravich, turf and ornamentals product manager at Arysta LifeScience. “Lawn care managers can get exceptional strobilurin disease control in a cost-effective application, to help them keep money in their pockets, offer exceptional performance to reduce callbacks, and protect their bottom line.”
“Coupled with exceptionally rapid systemic activity, quick rainfastness, and long residual, the new Disarm G granular formulation will provide lawn turf care professionals a cost-effective strobilurin fungicide cornerstone for their disease management programs,” stated Dr. Doug Houseworth, T&O technical service manager for Arysta LifeScience. “2008 field trials have demonstrated that Disarm G granules, applied alone, or in rotations with systemic or contact fungicides, delivers the same unsurpassed control of all major turfgrass diseases that we have seen in widespread use of the Disarm SC liquid formulation in 2007 and 2008.”
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