Best practices for building, maintaining sand-based fields

Photo Courtesy: Alec Kowalewski
Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing, which encompasses Oregon State University, Washington State University and the University of Idaho, has produced two publications regarding the construction and maintenance of sand-based athletic fields.
“Best Management Practices for Construction of Sand-based Athletic Fields for Football and Soccer” and “Best Management Practices for Maintaining Sand-based, Natural Grass Athletic Fields” are both free of charge and available as e-books or PDFs. Alec Kowalewski, Ph.D., turf specialist at Oregon State University; Gwen K. Stahnke, Ph.D., extension turfgrass specialist at Washington State University; Tom Cook, retired turfgrass specialist from Oregon State University; and Roy Goss, Ph.D., retired turfgrass specialist from Washington State University, are co-authors of the books.
“Best Management Practices for Construction of Sand-based Athletic Fields for Football and Soccer” offers best practices for sand-based natural turfgrass and synthetic turf, which are the best options for athletic fields in the rainy Pacific Northwest, according to the publication.
Sand selection, base grade, surface and subsurface drainage, turfgrass genus and species selection are important components to consider when building a sand-based athletic field.
“Best Management Practices for Maintaining Sand-based, Natural Grass Athletic Fields” provides ways to maintain that sand-based field once it is constructed. Sand-based fields require more frequent fertilization, irrigation and cultivation than native soil fields, according to the publication.