Changes for the 2019 STMA conference

October 23, 2018  - By
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Logo by STMA

There will be some changes for the Sports Turf Managers Association’s 2019 Conference and Exhibition, taking place Jan. 22-25 in Phoenix.

Some of the changes include:

New Event: Volunteer Field Rebuild

Jan. 23, 1-6 p.m.

STMA has partnered with Project Evergreen to renovate a baseball field in Phoenix Parks Department. All members are invited to participate, but registration is required. Transportation, products and materials will be provided.

New Addition: First Timers/International Attendees/CSFM Reception

Jan. 23, 6-7 p.m.

Wear your specific ribbon for attendance at this networking reception as STMA welcomes its first time and international attendees. Expanded this year, it also includes CSFMs.
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New Time: SAFE Live Auction

Jan. 23, 7-7:30 p.m.

The SAFE Live Auction will be moving right before the Welcome Reception this year. Support the SAFE foundation by bidding on exclusive sports field management equipment and products, and highly desired technology and sports memorabilia. For a list of items, check back frequently at

New Format: CSFM Testing.

Traditionally, the CSFM exam has been offered two times during the week of the conference, in a written format. This year there will be a new online version of the CSFM Exams. Those who have prequalified to take the exam can sign up for a time slot during the conference. Exam takers who do not pass all four sections of the exam may be able to retest on those sections later in the week depending on availability. Pre-qualification and pre-registration is required by Dec. 1.

Registration to the 2019 Conference is now open

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