Controlled Products launches new synthetic turf coating Silverback

April 23, 2014  - By
Logo: Silverback
Logo: Silverback

SilverbackControlled Products (CP), a manufacturer of synthetic turf products, completed its new polyurethane coating line called Silverback.

The process provides a stronger and more dependable way to apply a backing system, according to the company.

“… We have built a highly sophisticated coater designed specifically for turf which utilizes advanced chemistry that works together with our primary backing system and yarns,” says Lanny Bailey, CP’s CEO, in a news release.

“We know the demands placed on these products, from football to soccer, to landscape and golf. All require exceptional strength and our unique process and chemistry offers this,” says Frank Harp, vice president of manufacturing for CP.

CP is the parent company of Synthetic Turf International.

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