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FieldTurf, Pioneer Athletics named STMA’s Innovative Award winners

November 7, 2019  - By


The Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) named Pioneer Athletics’ Game Day Quick Cure and FieldTurf’s Genius software as its Innovative Award winners.

STMA’s Innovative Awards program recognizes commercial company members that develop a product, service, equipment or technology that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the sports turf manager and/or makes the playing surfaces safer and/or more playable for athletes.

The winners, chosen by STMA’s Innovative Awards Task Group, are evaluated on a wide range of qualities including whether or not they fill a need; are creative; save time and resources; are cutting-edge; make a task easier or more productive; improve quality; protect the environment and improve efficiency.

Pioneer Athletics Game Day Quick

Pioneer Athletic’s Game Day Quick Cure was designed to cure faster, without rewetting the surface. (Photo: Pioneer Athletics)

Pioneer’s ready-to-use Game Day Quick Cure was billed as a variation of the company’s premium Game Day paint, specifically designed to cure faster, without rewetting the surface. This bulk field marking paint was developed as an alternative for locations with regular high humidity or seasonal cool temperatures and moisture. Pioneer says this paint does not adversely affect grass plant health. Game Day Quick Cure is available in standard and custom Game Day colors.


The technology in FieldTurf’s Genius allows sports field managers to monitor the number of athletes on a playing surface and the hours of use and then get feedback on recommended maintenance. (Photo: FieldTurf)

FieldTurf’s Genius features cutting-edge technology which allows sports field managers to monitor the number of athletes on a playing surface and the hours of use. This data — including the number of athletes on a playing surface and the hours of use — is used to deliver in-depth reports on executed maintenance and usage along with sending maintenance alerts when needed. This allows sports field managers to track and monitor service via a live dashboard from their desks.


How it works: The award-winning Game Day Quick Cure | STMA Conference 2020

The ‘world’s smartest sports field’ at STMA Conference 2020

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