FieldTurf’s new tech aims to increase longevity, playability of fields

October 17, 2018  - By
Field mockup by FieldTurf | Photo: FieldTurf
Photo: FieldTurf
Field mockup by FieldTurf | Photo: FieldTurf

Photo: FieldTurf

FieldTurf unveiled its newest technology, Genius.

Powered by Intelligent Play, the new technology is designed to help maximize the longevity, playability and safety of a sports field. It will also help facility owners track maintenance, plan more efficiently and monitor usage.

How it works

Two sensors are mounted to the facility lights or stadium press box and automatically process and convert the recordings into anonymous data for analysis. Through advanced computer vision and learning algorithms, live field participation is translated into tangible data.

The system monitors all on-field activity and translates it into Equivalent Usage Hours (EUH). By determining a quantifiable usage amount, proper maintenance and usage recommendations can be made.

When the field reaches certain milestones, a maintenance alert is issued indicating the needed service: brushing, aerating, raking or sweeping. After the maintenance is completed, an updated heatmap allows facility owners to track the efficiency of the session. A calendar and tracker help teams plan and ensure their field receives the proper care based on its true usage.

Using the online dashboard, advanced facility reporting allows users easy access to field usage history, trends, planned and executed maintenance sessions and detailed heatmaps.

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