GT Airinject launches new website

November 17, 2016  - By
Photo: Air2G2
Photo: Air2G2

6699bf0d-24ea-4b0b-bf2c-36e989a7f88aGT AirInject, Inc., developers of the Air2G2 and Air2HP aerifier machines, recently launched a newly redesigned website to reflect the needs of its growing, worldwide customer base.

The website is a resource for industry professionals that is designed to connect customers with distributors. It also showcases the research that has gone into developing these state-of-the-art machines that increase drainage and reduce compaction with no turf disturbance, according to a press release.

The new home of GT AirInject features a database of news stories and scientific test results. The new website is now live at

“The Air2G2 and its newest counterpart, the Air2HP, are cutting-edge machines with benefits proven by independent studies,” says Glen Black, president of GT AirInject. “Our website is a new face for our company, and a resource to help our clients learn how injection aeration can improve the quality of their turf without disturbing their day-to-day operations.” The website features videos and images of the machines in action, and explains how air injection technology benefits turfgrass growth.

GT AirInject’s Air2G2 is the only aerification machine on the market today to utilize three probes to fracture the soil profile. It causes no surface disruption, requires no post-application cleanup, and improves overall turf health and playability by increasing porosity and improving gas exchange and microbial activity, according to the company. It is the winner of the 2015 STMA Innovative Award.

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