LebanonTurf launches Mesotrione herbicide for broadleaf weeds, including crabgrass

September 12, 2024  - By
Photo: Lebanon Turf
Photo: Lebanon Turf

LebanonTurf, a provider of plant nutrition for the golf and landscaping industries, launched ProScape 20-0-4 100 percent PCSCU SOP 8 percent Ca with .08 percent Mesotrione. According to the company, ProScape is the first and only Mesotrione combination product that does not contain phosphorus and is designed for routine turf maintenance.

Photo: Lebanon Turf

Photo: Lebanon Turf

Available now from LebanonTurf, ProScape 20-0-4 100 percent PCSCU SOP 8 percent Ca, is a new, SGN 150, blended product that controls more than 46 grassy and broadleaf weeds, including crabgrass, dandelion and yellow nutsedge. It is labeled for golf courses, athletic fields and residential and commercial turf.

“Up until now, the only fertilizer combination product with Mesotrione herbicide was the popular 21-22-4 Starter that’s designed for seed establishment,” said Christopher Gray, senior manager of professional marketing. “The development of this new product resulted from our professional customers asking for a product that contained no phosphorus so that it could be used for routine maintenance purposes.”

Mesotrione provides control of so many broadleaf and grassy weeds thanks to its novel technology based on a naturally occurring compound produced by the bottlebrush plant (Callistemon citrinus). It is absorbed through the roots, shoots and leaves and inhibits photosynthesis in susceptible plants, which results in bleaching the leaves, followed by necrosis and death of the plant. Mesotrione has been granted “Reduced Risk” status by the EPA for turf use due to its favorable ecotoxicity and human health profiles compared to many registered herbicides.

“We’ve been working on bringing this product to market for several years and are extremely excited about being able to help our loyal customers utilize Mesotrione for all of their turf management needs from turf establishment to general maintenance,” said Gray.

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About the Author:

Rob DiFranco is Athletic Turf's associate editor. A 2018 graduate of Kent State University, DiFranco holds a bachelor's degree in journalism. Prior to Athletic Turf, DiFranco was a sports reporter for The Morning Journal in Lorain, Ohio

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