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NCS4 presents research seminar series on upcoming arena safety index

April 15, 2021

The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) has begun the development of an index that evaluates stadiums and arenas by their vulnerability to quantifiable problems.

It aims to help those responsible for the safety and security of venues identify problems and improve outcomes. It is also intended to raise the profile of professionals charged with keeping spectators safe and secure.

The seminar will be free to attend and will provide unique background related to the history and motivation behind the index. The goal will be to show what has been done so far and what can be incorporated into future iterations.

The research seminar series will be presented by:

  • Justin Kurland, Ph.D., director of research, NCS4
  • Joslyn Zale, Ph.D., research associate, NCS4
  • Tyler Jacobs, graduate research assistant, NCS4
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