Nufarm debuts Celero herbicide

October 27, 2016

Nufarm_Logo_Green150x122Nufarm Americas added a new herbicide to its postemergent portfolio.

Celero is applicable on a variety of cool- and warm-season turf, including residential and commercial turf, golf courses, athletic and recreation fields, schools and sod farms. Its active ingredient imazosulfuron translocates down to the roots for control of Kyllinga, yellow, purple and annual sedges.

Celero can be applied using both broadcast and spot treatment applications, resulting in plant death within 14 to 21 days, the company said.

It also provides control of certain broadleaf weeds, as well as Burclover, Burweed, Chickweed, Geranium, Henbit, Parsley piert and Purslane.

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