Nufarm launches liquid form of Tourney EZ

April 5, 2023  - By
Broad-spectrum fungicide that treats more than 16 turf and ornamental diseases now available in a low-use rate liquid formulation.

Nufarm adds a new liquid formulation of its Tourney EZ Fungicide.

“Our partners and applicators communicated this was a need, and we delivered,” said Blaine Pinkerton, Vice President, turf and ornamental sales in the U.S. for Nufarm.

The new liquid Tourney EZ is a broad-spectrum DMI fungicide that lasts up to 28 days for effective preventative applications on more than 16 turf and ornamental diseases − including turf diseases such as dollar spot, brown patch and fairy ring and ornamental diseases such as apple scab, anthracnose, leaf spot, powdery mildew and conifer blight.

The new Tourney EZ Fungicide can be used for disease control in turfgrass on golf courses, sports turf and sod farms, lawn and landscape areas around residential, commercial, recreational areas and athletic fields.

Nufarm said the liquid formulation will have the same low use rate as the water-dispersible granule for both foliar and drench applications.

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