OTF Conference to be online

November 19, 2020

The Ohio Turfgrass Foundation (OTF) Conference and Show is moving to a virtual format.

Dates have also moved to Jan. 4-7, 2021 to allow for the additional time needed to produce the best possible virtual Conference and Show. OTF is also diligently working with the Department of Agriculture on approving the education lineup and lining up exciting new speakers from around the country.

New dates and format will be as follows:

Dec. 15: Opening of pre-recorded education

Jan. 4-7: Live educational sessions, Q&A panels, and trade show.

Jan. 31: Education sessions will be closed.

Some highlights to going virtual include:

  • Lower cost than attending a live show (no hotels, travel, dinners, etc.).
  • Longer timeframe to complete educational offerings – no more choosing one track over another.
  • Live educational sessions with Q&A panel.
  • Turfgrass speakers from throughout the country.
  • Trade show to interact with exhibitors in virtual format; attendees can leave a virtual business card or message exhibitors via text chat or video chat.
  • Silent auction, attendee prizes and more!

Click here for more information.

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