PBI-Gordon launches 2017 early order program

September 14, 2016

PBI-Employee-Owned-LogoPBI-Gordon Corp. launched its 2017 Early Order Program.

Through the PBI-Gordon Early Order Program, participating end-users must purchase a minimum $1,500 of PBI-Gordon qualifying products from a PBI-Gordon distributor between Oct. 1, 2016, and Jan. 15, 2017. End-users can maximize their rebate by placing an order before Oct. 31.

Rebate values can be as high as $412.50 per unit, and PBI-Gordon also offers a Bonus Booster plan. With a minimum purchase of $2,500 in qualifying products, end-users can earn an extra 1.5 percent bonus rebate.

The roster of qualifying products includes fifteen industry favorites from the PBI-Gordon line-up, including Segway Fungicide SC, Kabuto Fungicide SC, SpeedZone Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf and Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide for Grassy & Broadleaf Weeds.

Call your PBI-Gordon distributor or visit eop.gordonsprofessional.com for more information.

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