PERC partners with Audubon International

July 21, 2014  - By

perc_colorThe Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) partnered with environmental nonprofit Audubon International to advance the use of clean, low-emission propane equipment, which aligns with Audubon International’s mission to facilitate responsible environmental management practices.

PERC joins Audubon International as a sponsor of the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program (ACSP). The ACSP is an education and certification program designed to help businesses protect the environment while enhancing their bottom line. It offers guidance on implementing sustainability plans and recognizes organizations through certification.

“As the country’s leading alternative fuel, clean, American-made propane is already positively impacting thousands of communities,” says Roy Willis, PERC’s president and CEO. “This partnership will allow us to educate many more groups on propane’s environmental benefits and expand our outreach and programming. We look forward to collaborating with Audubon International to help communities achieve sustainability goals and reduce their carbon footprint.”

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