PGMS recognizes 29 grounds management programs with its 2022 Green Star Award

November 7, 2022
The Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) awarded grounds maintained with a high degree of excellence with its 2022 Green Star Awards.

The Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) recognized 29 grounds management programs for excellence in the 2022 Green Star Awards Competition. PGMS announced the 50th annual awards during its Golden Jubilee Awards Celebration held on Oct. 20 in conjunction with the 2022 School of Grounds Management Annual Conference and Equip Exposition in Louisville, Ky.

This awards program brings national recognition to grounds maintained with a high degree of excellence. The Green Star Awards competition complements other national landscape award programs that recognize outstanding landscape design and construction. During the awards celebration, PGMS presented nine grand awards, its highest honor, as well as 19 honor awards and one merit award in 12 categories of competition.

Grand awards

Honor awards

Merit awards

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