President of Asian Turfgrass Center acquires PACE Turf

June 28, 2022
Dr. Micah Woods, Ph.D. has acquired PACE Turf and will become director of the award-winning, science-based online turfgrass management information service.

Micah Woods, Ph.D., president and chief scientist of the Asian Turfgrass Center (ATC), acquires PACE Turf, according to founders Larry Stowell, Ph.D., and Wendy Gelernter, Ph.D.

Woods will become director of the online turfgrass management information service, and Stowell and Gelernter will become visiting research directors. Woods will continue to oversee ATC research and education programs and will expand PACE Turf to meet the needs of the turfgrass management community, which includes sports turf managers.

The PACE Turf subscription information service delivers science-based solutions to turf management problems using site-specific climate, weather and pest forecasting systems, research news, information and expert advice customized for each PACE Turf member location.

“ATC has been a long-time collaborator with PACE Turf. Together we’ve introduced tools, such as the Minimum Levels for Sustainable Nutrition (MLSN) guidelines that have been adopted worldwide and helped turf managers reduce inputs while maintaining high-quality turf,” said Woods. “I’m immensely proud of these achievements and look forward to continuing PACE Turf’s long tradition of delivering expert and practical turf management guidance.”

Woods established ATC in 2006 after working as a golf course superintendent in China and Japan and upon completion of graduate studies at Cornell University. His work as a consultant, researcher and speaker has taken him to more than 30 countries on five continents. Through the ATC, he provides turfgrass advisory and soil testing services to clients worldwide.

“We know that Micah will maintain the vast store of information already available on the PACE Turf website,” Stowell said. “Plus, he will continue to raise the level of practical turf management guidance as new research and findings develop in turf science.”

“We can’t imagine anyone better suited than Micah to take on PACE Turf’s mission,” added Gelernter.

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