Quali-Pro promotes Paul Fox to key accounts manager

August 18, 2021
Paul Fox (Photo: Seth Jones)

Paul Fox (Photo: Seth Jones)

Quali-Pro has promoted Paul Fox, a longtime area manager, to its key accounts manager.

“Paul has been an integral part to the success of Quali-Pro and CSI,” said Allan Fulcher, Quali-Pro vice president, turf. “Paul is the ultimate team player and helps everyone around him be successful.”

Fox received his Bachelor of Turfgrass Science at the University of Florida. He has spent his entire career in the turfgrass industry as a distributor sales rep, operations manager and sales director. Fox is a member of the Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association and the Florida Turfgrass Association.

“I have enjoyed constantly learning new ways to do things from interactions with people in the industry,” Fox said.

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