Registration now open for STMA’s 2017 Conference

November 17, 2016

Registration for the Sport Turf Manager Association’s 2017 Conference is now open. The event will take place Jan. 24-27 at Disney’s Coronado Springs Hotel.

Earn up to 1.5 CEUs through STMA at the 2017 event. In addition to STMA, the following professional organizations have agreed to provide CEUs for attending education sessions at the conference:

  • American Sports Builders Association (ASBA)
  • National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)
  • National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP)
  • Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA)
  • Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS)

The following states are providing Pesticide Recertification Credits:

Below is the schedule for education sessions during the 2017 event.

Jan. 24

2:30 – 5 .pm.

A Break Through Approach to Human Growth and Leadership Development
Speaker: Phil Eason – PLG Leadership

Participants will learn a break through approach to human growth, development and leadership by understanding that the key to success is to fully understand how to apply their greatest talents. A talent is a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling or behavior. Tap into this wisdom for more direction, confidence, hope and productivity. Participants will learn how to identify and build on their natural strengths.

Calibration Basics for Spreaders and Sprayers – Small vs. Large
Speaker: Samuel Doak – Virginia Tech

Research for Everyday Field Managers
Speaker: Grady Miller, Ph.D. – North Carolina State University

Jan. 25

8 – 9:30 a.m.

Opening General Session
A Visit with the Doctors: Your Annual Sports Turf Physical
Speakers: Andrew McNitt, Ph.D. – The Pennsylvania State University; John Sorochan, Ph.D. – University of Tennessee

9:45 – 10:45 a.m.

What About the Micronutrients?
Speaker: Nick Christians, Ph.D. – Iowa State University

Turf 101
Speaker: Trey Rogers, Ph.D. – Michigan State University

Central Control and Varying Types of Soils in Sports Fields
Speaker: John Cogdill – City of Boulder Parks and Recreation
Boulder, CO resides in a semi-arid environment, receiving about 20.7 inches of precipitation a year and often experiencing varying levels of drought conditions. With Boulder Parks and Recreation Dept. as the largest user of water in the city, the presentation will focus on use of Central Control when managing water on different types of soils, water conservation scheduling techniques, and water component strategies to promote plant health.

Managing a Synthetic Turf Infield and Natural Grass Outfield
Speakers: Chris Pearl and Jonathan Smoot – Eastern Kentucky University

In Season Resodding
Speaker: Tony Leonard – Philadelphia Eagles

11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Have You Changed Your Filters Lately?
Speaker: Tony Strickland, CSFM – Athletic Construction Incorporated

Balancing Management and Legal Liabilities: BMPs for Success
Speaker: Bryan Hopkins, Ph.D. – Brigham Young University

Management of K-12 Fields in the Transition Zone
Speaker: Grady Miller, Ph.D. – North Carolina State University

A Spring and Summer Renovation Plan
Speaker: Pamela Sherratt – The Ohio State University

Why Every Turf Manager Should Consider Using PGRs
Speaker: Ben Polimer – Town of Weston

The presentation will discuss the modes of action for typical plant growth regulators (PGRs) used in sports turf and their practical uses from Little League fields to professional stadiums. The cost of materials has made it affordable for all managers to incorporate PGRs into their turf management programs. Growth regulators help with wear tolerance, reducing clippings, early spring green up, and reducing painting.

2 – 3:15 p.m.

Converting Commonwealth Stadium to Synthetic and Our Involvement
Speaker: Marcus Dean, CSFM – University of Kentucky

Positive Coaching for Sports Turf Managers
Speaker: Josh McPherson, CSFM – University of Missouri

Positive Coaching is a new way to think about building a better team. You will learn how to invest in your co-workers and find out what is important to them, as well as how to transition your team from a fixed mindset into a growth mindset. This presentation will help you discover what you and your co-workers value and how you can use those strengths to guide your short term and long term goals.

Converting to LED Sports Lights at your Facility
Speaker: Dan Bergstrom, CSFM – Houston Astros, LLC

#WeedWatch2017 – Things to Watch for in Weed Management This Year
Speaker: Jim Brosnan, Ph.D. – University of Tennessee

Sports Field Management on a Shoestring Budget – Part 1
Speakers: Mike Goatley, Jr., Ph.D. – Virginia Tech; Michael Skelton – Culpeper County Parks and Recreation

3:30 – 5 p.m.

Triage Tactics and Strategies for Pesticide-Free Heavily Used Sports Fields
Speakers: Jason Henderson, Ph.D. – University of Connecticut; Victoria Wallace – UConn Extension

Sustainability on Campus: Green Sports Fields and Grounds
Speaker: Brad Jakubowski – Doane University

Don’t Let Water Restrictions Strike You Out
Speakers: Bryan Hopkins, Ph.D. – Brigham Young University; Kelly Kopp, Ph.D. – Utah State University

Facts and Misconceptions Regarding Natural Grass and Synthetic Turf
Speaker: Andrew McNitt, Ph.D. – The Pennsylvania State University

Sports Field Management on a Shoestring Budget – Part 2
Speakers: Mike Goatley, Jr., Ph.D. – Virginia Tech; Michael Skelton – Culpeper County Parks and Recreation

Sports field managers typically face budget restrictions that result in choices and sacrifices in strategies to best manage their fields. This presentation will focus on proven strategies to stretch your budgeted dollars as far as possible by way of novel grassing alternatives and establishment/renovation techniques, strategies in building your soil, forming an equipment/tool inventory that best serves your needs, and modifying equipment to expand its usefulness.

Jan. 26

8 – 9:15 a.m.

So You Want to Be a Meteorologist? Weather and Your Venue
Speaker: Kevin Kloesel, Ph.D. – University of Oklahoma

Severe weather in the US is unique, and short-fused high impact weather hazards can strike any venue at any time. This presentation will provide an overview of common weather hazards at sports facilities, including lightning, winter weather, flooding rain, hail, and tornadoes, and the emergency planning needed to keep those that work on athletic fields safe.

Stadium Field Renovation
Speaker: Richard White, Ph.D. – Texas A&M University

Pushing Bermuda’s Boundaries: Managing Bermudagrass in the Transition Zone and Beyond
Speakers: Marcus Dean, CSFM and Gregg Munshaw, Ph.D. – University of Kentucky

Warm-Season Sports Turf Weed Management
Speaker: Jay McCurdy, Ph.D. – Mississippi State University

Managing Stress and Avoiding Burnout
Speaker: Lisa Goatley, M.S., L.P.C. – The Cascade Group

Sports Turf Management, Past, Present, Future
Speaker: Bob Campbell, CSFM – Retired

9:30 – 10:45 a.m.

You Can Grow Grass, Now Let’s Grow Your Program
Speaker: David Pinsonneault, CSFM, CPRP – Lexington DPW

Factors that Affect Dislodgeable Foliar Residues and Environmental Fate of Pesticides
Speaker: Travis Gannon, Ph.D. – NC State University

Much concern exists around human pesticide exposure, and understanding factors that affect dislodgeable foliar residues is imperative to ensure human health is not adversely affected. Understanding the biological and chemical attributes of pesticides and their fate after application is also imperative to optimize pesticide efficacy while minimizing off-target movement. This presentation will help attendees devise best management practices to minimize pesticide exposure and off-target movement.

Who’s Afraid of Calculations?
Speaker: Samuel Doak – Virginia Tech

Renovating Cool-Season Sports Turf Dominated by Annual Bluegrass
Speaker: Brad Park – Rutgers University

Management Standards for Athletic Field Management and Materials Specification
Speaker: Barry Stewart, Ph.D. – Mississippi State University

FIFA World Cup: Preparing for a Final – Challenges and Successes
Speakers: Marcela Munoz – Syngenta UK; Sebastian Munoz – Turf Masters Chile

Jan. 27

8 – 10 a.m.

Football Panel
Panelists: Clark Cox, CSFM – University of South Carolina; Stephen Crockett, CSFM – City of Union City Tennessee; Nicholas Fedewa – SMG Jacksonville/Jaguars; Rob Julian – Tampa Bay Buccaneers

This panel discussion will cover multiple aspects of maintenance for professional, college and university, municipal, and K-12 football fields. Management tips and tricks as well as safety practices will be presented. The session is an open forum discussion where attendees can ask questions pertaining to the maintenance of safe football playing surfaces.

Baseball Panel
Panelists: Dan Bergstrom, CSFM – Houston Astros, LLC; Nick McKenna – Texas A&M Athletics; Tom Nielsen – Louisville Baseball Club; Rick Perruzzi, CSFM, CPRP – City of South Portland, ME Parks, Recreation & Waterfront

Sports turf managers from across the country will share the various management strategies they utilize to maintain baseball fields. After a brief introduction from each panelist, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss challenges and solutions related to Major League, Minor League, College and University, and K-12 baseball fields and facilities.

Pesticides Panel
Panelists: Jim Brosnan, Ph.D. – University of Tennessee; Travis Gannon, Ph.D. – NC State University; Jason Henderson, Ph.D. – University of Connecticut; Jay McCurdy, Ph.D. – Mississippi State University

This panel will address the control of turfgrass pests using both chemical control strategies and pesticide-free management strategies. Attendees are encouraged to bring questions regarding pesticide resistance, exposure, new formulations, and product selection. Attendees experiencing pesticide bans are also encouraged to attend to learn about compliance and alternative maintenance strategies.

Cultivars/Varieties Panel
Panelists: Leah Brilman, Ph.D. – DLF Pickseed USA; Gregg Munshaw, Ph.D. – University of Kentucky; Brad Park – Rutgers University; Pamela Sherratt – The Ohio State University

This panel of experts will help you decipher which turfgrass cultivar or variety is best for your situation. Recommendations for highest recuperative potential, best color, highest pest tolerance, and best heat, drought, or cold tolerance will all be discussed. Bring your questions to help determine which turfgrasses are best suited for high performing, safe playing fields.

Innovative Sessions

10:30 a.m.
Planning for a Synthetic Turf Field Replacement
Speaker: Mark Heinlein – Turf Reclamation Solutions, LLC

11 a.m.
Polymer Coated Fertilizer: Takes a Beating and Keeps on Feeding
Speaker: Eric Miltner, Ph.D. – Koch Turf & Ornamental

11:30 a.m.
Porous Inorganic Amendments – Unpacking How They Really Work
Speaker: George Serrill – EnviroTech Soil Solutions, Inc.

12 p.m.
Stadium Grow Lighting Innovation in Europe and the USA
Speaker: Simon Gumbrill – Stadium Grow Lighting (SGL)

1:30 – 3 p.m.

Taking Stress in Stride
Speaker: Mary Owen – University of Massachusetts Amherst

Managing the Problem Employee
Speaker: Lisa Goatley, M.S., L.P.C. – The Cascade Group

Paying it Forward: How to Be Helpful When Asked for Advice
Speaker: Rich Watson – Laurel Lawnmower

Every year there are new field managers that enter the profession at the K-12 or municipal level that have never maintained a sports field. This talk will focus on how to provide help to field managers that may not have the manpower, resources or experience to enjoy success at this point in their career. Some topics of discussion will be: field maintenance concepts, communication, continuing education, and priority budgeting.

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