RightLine launches new warm-season turf herbicide

June 17, 2021
Sulfen Southern herbicide combines combining sulfentrazone with imazethapyr to control sedges, kyllinga, purple nutsedge and more.

RightLine‘s RightLine Sulfen Southern herbicide, its first sulfentrazone combination product, combines sulfentrazone with imazethapyr herbicide, expanding the list of weeds controlled to more than 50 including sedges, kyllinga and purple nutsedge.

Sulfen Southern is labeled for use on many warm-season turfgrass species including bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, buffalograss and centipede and can be applied to sod farms and athletic fields, as well as residential, commercial and institutional lawn areas. 

RightLine’s Sulfen Southern is packaged in a 64-oz. bottle.

“This new herbicide delivers excellent weed control, practicality and value to professionals who manage warm-season turf,” Tim Zech, RightLine vice president of sales, said. “It is in keeping with our mission to bring economical and effective product options to our customers.”  

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