RightLine launches Prohex 27.5 WDG plant growth regulator

May 26, 2021
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(Photo: RightLine)

RightLine enters the turfgrass plant growth regulator market with the launch of Prohex 27.5 WDG. The new product is the first alternative source of the active ingredient prohexadione calcium.

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(Photo: RightLine)

Prohexadione calcium has recently earned a significant position in turf markets as a late-state growth inhibitor. With this new active ingredient, RightLine said Prohex 27.5 WDG allows end users to control turfgrass growth patterns and control their maintenance budgets as well.

Used in alternation or combination with trinexapac-ethyl, RightLine said Prohex 27.5 WDG lasts longer in the plant and provides a unique mode of growth regulation. According to the company, turf professionals report seeing fewer negative side effects of trinexapac-ethyl, including bronzing of treated turf, damaged collars and rebound.

Packaged in a 6-pound resealable bottle, Prohex 27.5 WDG provides turf professionals with the convenience and value needed for more efficient and economical plant growth management.

“RightLine is excited to bring this new plant growth regulator technology to the market and looks forward to introducing several additional new products in the upcoming months,” Vice President of Sales Tim Zach said.

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