STC spring meeting focuses on science, safety

April 16, 2015  - By

STC-spring15mtgThe Synthetic Turf Council’s (STC’s) Spring Membership Meeting, held March 23-25 in San Diego, was attended by 210 manufacturers, suppliers, installers, architects, engineers, testing labs, maintenance equipment companies and service companies.

The educational program featured a presentation by David Teter of Teter Engineering in San Francisco about his new science-based approach on testing of various infill materials and his analysis of the results.

Ronald Gastelum, former CEO of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, one of the largest wholesaler water suppliers in the world, spoke on about the new norms due to drought and water conservation programs, and answered how synthetic turf likely will fit into this picture.

California Governor Jerry Brown’s appointee, Ruben Rojas, deputy executive director for California infrastructure and economic development bank, addressed the growing niche for synthetic turf and where opportunities lie in the future.

Brian Storm, president of FIELDS Inc., gave an update on the impact that synthetic turf is having on today’s youth and communities across the United States, with a presentation titled, “What do Synthetic Turf Sports Fields, Tourism and Youth Sports Have in Common?”

NFL research of football shoes, lower extremity injuries and new turf guidance, was presented by Richard Kent, Ph.D., professor at the University of Virginia Center for Applied Biomechanics.

Butch DeFillippo, managing partner of PlaySafe LLC, touched on ADA requirements for playgrounds and public parks.

An expanded exhibitor showcase was open, at no cost, to local owners and prospective owners of synthetic turf fields, parks and recreation officials, municipalities and others interested in synthetic turf surfaces and completed the successful education and networking experience.

Jeff Deel, Atlanta-based City of Refuge‘s chief operating officer, discussed the exceptional services provided to the homeless women and children in Atlanta. City of Refuge is the STC’s chosen recipient of a donated 6,000-square-foot playing field and fitness center. The dedication ceremony will take place during the STC’s Annual Fall Membership Meeting in Atlanta on Oct. 5.

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