STEC Equipment releases artificial turf surface cleaner

October 4, 2016  - By
Photo: STEC
Photo: STEC

stec_logoSTEC Equipment, the specialized turf equipment distributor, has released the ATC Surface Cleaner for artificial turf.

The ATC 1400/2000 has been developed to maintain artificial turf grass simply and effectively for indoor or outdoor use. The ATC synthetic cleaner is towed across the surface scooping up trash from the surface while collecting debris in mesh baskets.

“The new ATC cleaner is the easiest and simplest synthetic turf cleaner on the market,” says Randy Cole, sales manager of STEC.

The machine is equipped with three designed tools that are aimed to achieve a clean and well-dressed surface without debris or unwanted particles. Its’ vibrating screen sifts infill material and leave a groomed finish.

The ATC synthetic cleaner comes in two working widths and can easily be towed by a small lawn tractor, ATV and a golf cart.

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