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STMA is seeking educational maintenance videos

May 20, 2016


The Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) is seeking educational videos that demonstrate maintenance practices for sports fields. The goal is to develop a collection of 3 to 8 minute educational videos focused on sports field how-to’s that STMA members can use to improve their operations. Topics can include anything related to sports turf management, such as:

  • how to calibrate a sprayer or spreader;
  • how to edge an infield;
  • how to paint a logo; and
  • how to repair equipment or irrigation.

For more detailed guidelines for making a video, click here.

Send your video to STMA via email or Dropbox. To submit via Dropbox, go to Enter username – and password – STMA2016. Upload the video to Dropbox and log out.

STMA will thoroughly review your video, and reserves the right to decline or remove any video it feels is inappropriate.

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