STMA to increase membership dues

August 25, 2017

The STMA Board of Directors voted at its summer meeting to increase dues slightly beginning in 2018. This increase will help to fund two initiatives: the association’s PR program and the redevelopment of

The Membership Committee has been researching dues, current dues structure and the corresponding STMA services and benefits. As a result, the dues will be increased approximately 15 percent across all categories.

New dues amounts will be as follows:

Sports Turf Manager: $130
Sports Turf Manager Assoc.: $85
Academic: $110
Affiliate: $60
Commercial: $340
Commercial Associate: $85
Student: $30
Retired: $60

Dues have not increased for Sports Turf Managers since 2007, for Academics since 2003, for Commercial Companies since 2000.

If the new dues amount creates an issue, STMA can assist through a payment program.

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