Syngenta’s Acelepryn Xtra insecticide now available for use on athletic fields
The product has been engineered with two modes of action and the active ingredients chlorantraniliprole and thiamethoxam.
Syngenta’s Acelepryn Xtra insecticide is now available for use on athletic fields. The product features two modes of action and the active ingredients chlorantraniliprole and thiamethoxam.
According to the company, the Acelepryn Xtra offers:
- More control and a wider application window than the original Acelepryn.
- Season-long control of grubs, billbugs and turf caterpillars.
- Early curative grub control through the second instar.
- Ant control.
- Enhanced chinch bug control, with at least three months of southern chinch bug control.
“Turf managers historically have had to make multiple insecticide applications throughout the year to get the length and spectrum of control they need,” said Matt Giese, M.S., technical services manager for turf at Syngenta. “Acelepryn Xtra has an even wider application window and controls more pests than Acelepryn, reducing the number of applications needed. This makes Acelepryn Xtra a convenient, smart choice for effective agronomic programs.”