Syngenta’s new warm-season turf herbicide controls more than 40 weeds

April 17, 2023
Syngenta said the herbicide can also tank mix with Fusilade II to remove bermudagrass from established zoysiagrass as an alternative to burndown herbicides.

Syngenta’s new Recognition herbicide controls more than 40 weeds, including all major sedges, dollarweed and clover in St. Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass, buffalograss and kikuyugrass.

“We’re excited about the new control options Recognition will bring turf managers … and sod growers,” said Lane Tredway, Ph.D., technical services manager for turf at Syngenta. “It will fill the gaps in their ability to control weeds with unprecedented turf safety.”

Recognition features a proprietary safener — metcamifen — allowing for broadcast applications rather than repeated spot treatments.

Syngenta said turf managers can also tank mix Recognition with Fusilade II herbicide to remove bermudagrass (common and hybrid) from established zoysiagrass as an alternative to burndown herbicides.

“Compared to current options for bermudagrass suppression in established zoysiagrass, the combination of Recognition and Fusilade II is more effective on bermudagrass with significantly-improved turf safety to zoysiagrass,” said Tredway. “For turf managers considering a conversion from bermudagrass to zoysiagrass, this tank-mix combination makes it possible to sprig zoysiagrass directly into established bermudagrass through oversprigging, saving time and money compared to traditional methods.”

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