Missouri-based GreensPro joins independent distributor group Prokoz
GreensPro becomes the 27th owner-distributor to join Prokoz, an independent distributor cooperative group in the turf and ornamental markets. read more
GreensPro becomes the 27th owner-distributor to join Prokoz, an independent distributor cooperative group in the turf and ornamental markets. read more
Wilbur-Ellis Agribusiness adds a new surfactant to its organic product line. Infolium-EA can be used for aquatic, non-crop vegetation, turf, ornamental applications and more. “Infolium-EA is a nonionic surfactant, specifically formulated to bring conventional functionality to an organic surfactant,” said Jason Ellsworth, organic portfolio manager with Wilbur-Ellis Agribusiness. “By increasing both the spreadability of the spray and the active ingredients’ penetration into the leaf tissue, Infolium-EA helps... read more
Wilbur-Ellis released its Perfection brand of fertilizers, high-performing blended fertilizers that can easily fit into any nutrition program. “Our customers are looking for perfection, and we strive to help deliver it,” said Matt Wilkinson, pro markets portfolio manager for Wilbur-Ellis. “The Perfectionbrand fertilizer line is purposefully built to fit the needs of every turfgrass professional as he or she maps... read more