Target Specialty Products rolls out Turf Fuel Cleanse

October 17, 2018  - By
Turf Fuel Cleanse. (Photo: Target Specialty Products)

Turf Fuel Cleanse. (Photo: Target Specialty Products)

Target Specialty Products launched Turf Fuel Cleanse, an organic soil remediation system for turf professionals.

The product treats soil displaying signs of localized dry spot (LDS), poor infiltration or poor health, according to the company.

“Turf Fuel products are designed to provide exceptional, cutting edge performance and differentiated value to our turf customers, and Turf Fuel Cleanse is no different,” said Mark Jull, head of Turf Fuel products’ division at Target Specialty Products. “Cleanse is an advanced soil remediation product, comprised of multiple agents aimed at reducing and removing hydrophobic organic acids from soil.”

Cleanse’s two-part system works to attack hydrophobic organic acids responsible for LDS while delivering key enzymes to promote healthy soil biology and root system development. This combination gives treated soil an improved rewetting capability and more robust biological portfolio, Target Specialty Products said.

“In addition to a strong solvent, Turf Fuel Cleanse supplies enzymes and secondary metabolites to augment faster turf recovery,” said Jim Turner, Turf Fuel product development manager at Target Specialty Products. “Unlike a soil surfactant that masks the symptoms of LDS, Turf Fuel Cleanse attacks and breaks down the cause of localized dry spots.”

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