Turfco presents Mete-R-Matic III, XL

September 2, 2009  - By

INNEAPOLIS — Go green with the Mete-R-Matic III and Mete-R-Matic XL, the ultimate machines in sports turf topdressing. Both machines allow you to just hook up and go. According to the manufacturer, Turfco, the patented Chevron belt delivers the most uniform application of any topdresser on the market — whether it’s sand, compost, crumb rubber or calcine clays, regardless of moisture content.

An eco-friendly, patented ground drive system assures uniform spread, even at varying speeds. And with no hydraulics, PTOs or engines, speed calibration is not required.

The Mete-R-Matic III features a 23-cu.-ft. hopper capacity, and the Mete-R-Matic XL is three times this size at 60 cu. ft. Both machines feature a three-year warranty. For more information, call 800/679-8201 or visit turfco.com.

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