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Vexis herbicide granular approved for use in New York

May 26, 2021  - By

Vexis herbicide granular from PBI-Gordon recently received registration by the State of New York Department of Pesticide Regulation for use in the state of New York. It will be available for sale in June 2021.

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(Photo: PBI-Gordon)

Based on the proprietary active ingredient pyrimisulfan, Vexis is the result of an exclusive partnership between PBI-Gordon Corp., Kumiai Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. and their U.S. subsidiary K-I Chemical U.S.A.

Vexis is formulated for use on residential and commercial sites, sports facilities and golf course tees, fairways and roughs.

Primary features include:

  • Postemergent control of sedges and kyllinga species, including purple and yellow nutsedge, cockscomb and false green kyllinga.
  • Sold in a 2-pound “shaker” can and in a 15-pound bag.
  • The granular formulation helps reduce off-target drift and volatility.
  • A low-rate, nonphenoxy product, Vexis has exhibited activity against weeds that have developed resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides.
  • Vexis can be used on a wide variety of cool- and warm-season turfgrasses, including Kentucky bluegrass, fine and tall fescues, perennial ryegrass, bentgrass, Bermudagrass, bahiagrass, buffalograss, kikuyugrass, seashore paspalum and St. Augustinegrass (including improved varieties).
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