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March 21, 2014

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[Turf Use]

Rocky Top 80-acre sports facility to capitalize
on sports tourism

The 80-acre Rocky Top Sports World facility in Gatlinburg, Tenn., set to open its doors this summer, has been developed with the help of the Sports Facilities Advisory. It will house seven soccer, lacrosse and football fields and seven outdoor synthetic turf fields. Find out how the facility is expected to boost the county’s economy.
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Jared Hoyle VIDEO: Updates from KSU's extension turfgrass specialist
Jared Hoyle, Ph.D., extension turfgrass specialist at Kansas State University (KSU), gives Athletic Turf updates on its turf program at the 2014 STMA Conference. The KSU turf team has been painting athletic fields as well as researching wear tolerance and experimental weed control products.
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TPI conference reports record number of Australians
By Jim Novak
Turfgrass Producers International (TPI) hosted its 2014 International Education Conference & Field Day. Nearly 60 turfgrass producers and industry representatives from Australia attended, many of whom had never participated in a TPI event before.
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Mercy Street TSG uses 3-D service to design nonprofit’s fields
Turf Solutions Group used its 3-D design service to help Mercy Street, a nonprofit organization for impoverished kids to learn baseball, design six more athletic fields to accompany "The Field of Dreams," its original baseball field. Learn how the 3-D service may have influenced donors.
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AstroTurf partners with ‘The Kansas Conference’
AstroTurf announced a partnership with the Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference. Discover why one of the oldest intercollegiate conferences in the country teamed up with AstroTurf.
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      [AstroTurf to give University of Michigan baseball, softball stadiums new playing fields]
SPRINTURF SPRINTURF introduces cool-fiber technology
SPRINTURF launched its cool-fiber technology, which is integrated into the field and reflects solar heat to keep the turf fibers cool. Check out the difference between its cool fiber and regualr green fiber.
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FMC plans to separate agricultural, mineral entities
FMC Corporation plans to separate into two independent companies. The new FMC would include its agricultural solutions and health and nutrition segments, while its second company would be FMC Minerals. Discover the potential benefits of the split.
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Jacobsen reports double-digit sales growth for 2013
Jacobsen, a Textron Inc. company, announced double-digit sales growth in its global sales for 2013. Find out how significant investments may have played a role.
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Arysta Arysta LifeScience: XONERATE
XONERATE Herbicide, from Arysta LifeScience, manages and eliminates Poa annua. Research shows XONERATE is up to 90 percent effective in controlling Poa annua. Upon treatment, results may be seen within three to four weeks.
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