Athletic Turf News
Sept. 19, 2014

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[Turf Use]

Jacobsen VIDEO: A visit to
Milwaukee’s Miller Park

Athletic Turf stopped by the home of the Brewers this week to visit with Michael Boettcher and his crew. Learn about their use of grow lights and what some of their favorite pieces of equipment are.
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Paul Brown Stadium Paul Brown Stadium crew
prepares for another all-nighter

The Cincinnati Bengals are sharing Paul Brown Stadium this season with another big cat. While the University of Cincinnati’s stadium is under construction, the Bearcats and Bengals will be sharing the field. See what it's like to transform a stadium in less than 24 hours, including scrubbing off logos and changing banners.
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Bungalow Beware the competition: TPI advises
a caller with an implausible idea

By Jim Novak
A caller was directed to Jim Novak, public relations manager for Turfgrass Producers International (TPI), because she was interested in becoming a turfgrass producer. Check out their conversation regarding an atypical career path of selling grass to neighbors... from a 4,000-square-foot yard.
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Lambeau Field Lambeau Field’s Allen Johnson’s unlikely path to the ‘frozen tundra’
It’s been 18 years now that Allen Johnson, fields manager for the Green Bay Packers and Lambeau Field, has been maintaining the hallowed grounds so often referred to as ‘the frozen tundra.’ But how did Johnson, who spent four years in the U.S. Army and then received a bachelor’s degree in public administration, end up where he is today?
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Maravich Turfgrass producers raise $25,000 for research, education at Jubilee event
Turfgrass Producers International (TPI) preceded its 2014 Field Day with a Preview Jubilee on July 30 in Philadelphia that helped raise money for The Lawn Institute to support turfgrass research and education. A trike race and auction raised a combined $25,000 for the foundation.
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[RELATED] TPI appoints new president at annual meeting
Precision Labs Precision Labs creates digital edition
of Adjuvant Use Guide for Turf

Precision Laboratories released its Adjuvant Use Guide for Turf – Digital Interactive Edition, which gives turf managers recommendations for a variety of leading herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and plant growth regulators. The interactive digital edition includes more product information, videos and product reviews.
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Aquatrols hires director of research and development
Aquatrols Corporation of America hired Jutta Pils, Ph.D., as its new director of research and development. Learn about her experience working in crop protection with DuPont, leading teams in the United States and abroad while overseeing the launch of several new products and technologies.
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