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Athletic Turf



Photo: Joey Young

Texas Tech associate professor receives USDA turfgrass grant

Joey Young received a $425,000 grant from the USDA-NIFA for professional development in turfgrass science for educators.

Photo: Woodridge Local Schools

Woodridge Local Schools to undergo $1.1M athletic facilities upgrade

In May, Woodridge Local Schools in Peninsula, Ohio, will modernize its track surface, softball and football fields.

Photo: Duke University

Duke University field hockey first to use Poligras Tokyo GT

Duke will be the first collegiate team in the U.S. to use AstroTurf’s Poligras Tokyo Green Technology.

Project EverGreen to hold inaugural golf classic in August

The event will be held on Aug. 29, 2022 at the Lochmere Golf Club in Cary, N.C. Registration is now open.

Albaugh closes on acquisition of Rotam

Club Car named the official golf car of the Dallas Cowboys

Photo: Ashley Biles/UGA-Griffin

Industry partners fund Extension soccer field and research golf green at the University of Georgia

Photo: Hellas Construction

New synthetic turf system installed at Tennessee Titans practice facility

Husqvarna named official robotic mower of NJCAA


SFMA 2023 Conference education topics released

The Sports Field Management Association (SFMA) released education topics for its conference, set for Jan. 16-19, 2023 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

SFMA and PGMS to host zoysiagrass webinar

The Sports Field Management Association (SFMA) and the Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) will host a webinar about breeding zoysiagrass for sports fields on June 14 at 2 p.m. EDT.


PMP Ant Survey

Bobcat releases new commercial walk-behind mowers

The mower features a TufDeck cutting system, hydraulic drive and Hydro-Gear ZT-2800 hydrostatic transaxles and is offered in three width options.

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