United Turf Alliance launches 3 new products

July 18, 2018

Photo: United Turf AllianceUnited Turf Alliance added three new product additions to its ArmorTech portfolio: ArmorTech Tetra, ArmorTech Gold Standard 45 and ArmorTech ZOXY-PG.

“Introducing one new product is a task these days,” said George Furrer, CEO of United Turf Alliance. “The launch of three products simultaneously confirms our owners’ ongoing commitment to be the supplier of choice to professional turfgrass managers.”

ArmorTech Tetra is a premium herbicide containing 2,4-D, fluroxypyr, triclopyr and flumioxazin for fast, selective weed control in ornamental lawns and turfgrasses. The ester formulation offers early- and late-season control of weeds, including ground ivy and wild violet. This four-way herbicide provides control of more than 250 broadleaf weeds.

ArmorTech Gold Standard 45 is a comprehensive plant health tool that delivers rapid, efficient plant uptake and utilization. Use of Gold Standard 45, either alone or as part of a spray program, will promote stronger, healthier turfgrass plants that can withstand intense maintenance and weather, according to the company.

ArmorTech Zoxy-PG is a granular fungicide combining 0.31 percent azoxystrobin and 0.75 percent propiconazole. A broad-spectrum fungicide, it uses both root and leaf uptake to deliver preventive and curative control for up to 28 days.

Zoxy-PG targets foliar, stem and root diseases, such as leaf and stem blights, leaf spots, patch diseases, anthracnose, fairy rings, mildews, molds and rusts of turfgrass.

Photo: United Turf Alliance

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